Originally published in French in the Estrie Zone Verte magazine of Conseil régional de l’environnement de l’Estrie

By Thomas Goudreault, EIT / ENV SP, Climate Change Professional | EXP
By Marianne Aubertin, M. Env., Climate Change Professional, Energy Transition | EXP

Municipalities, organizations, and communities are under pressure to act urgently against climate change. We respond to the current impacts of climate change and prepare for and prevent future issues. To address these impacts, the City of Granby began drawing up its first climate change adaptation plan (CCAP) in April 2023 in collaboration with sustainability experts at EXP.

For more than a decade, EXP has delivered projects that promote sustainability and increase community resilience. Throughout the years, team members have developed expertise in applying and understanding standards, methodologies and programs related to climate risk analysis, social and environmental impact assessment and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions management.

EXP is leveraging its experience to help the City of Granby reach its resilience objectives as part of implementing its CCAP. This action plan is an integral part of their climate plan and will help identify the municipality’s vulnerabilities and risks regarding climate change. The information gathered will be used to develop adaptation strategies and identify concrete actions to implement over the next five to 10 years. It will enable the City of Granby to prepare for future climate challenges, ensure proactive risk management, limit the impacts of climate change on infrastructure, people, socio-economic activities and the natural environment, all while reducing GHGs.

Developing a CCAP, which has a timeline of two-year milestones and emphasizes collaboration, marks a significant step in the City of Granby’s efforts to increase its climate resilience.

“The CCAP that we are in the process of developing will limit our impact on the environment, ensure the city’s people and infrastructure are protected and enable our municipality to become a model city committed to climate risk management,” said Julie Bourdon, Mayor of Granby.

There are five main steps in developing a CCAP:

  1. Draw up a regional climate profile.
  2. Analyze vulnerabilities.
  3. Assess climate risks.
  4. Identify and prioritize actions to manage those risks.
  5. Develop a CCAP implementation strategy.

A participatory process was used from the beginning of the project, including public consultations and an online survey to allow individuals to provide their input. An internal working committee with elected officials and representatives from various municipal departments was also established to oversee and support the development of the CCAP. This close collaboration will enable stakeholders to draw up a plan tailored to local priorities, while still meeting the community’s needs.

By creating a CCAP, the City of Granby won’t be limited to a reactive approach to climate change. The city will position itself as a sustainability leader and inspire other municipalities to prepare for the future. Thanks to EXP’s expertise, each stage of the project is not only innovative and pragmatic, but also collaborative and achievable in the field. Final submission of the CCAP is scheduled for spring 2025, paving the way for new Granby initiatives for a sustainable future.

Learn more about Climate, Resilience + Sustainability services at EXP.

Photo by Aymeric Blassiaux, City of Granby