The New I-70 MRB Crossing – I-70 Connection

new interstate highway connection bridging Illinois and Missouri

As part of the New Mississippi River Bridge project, the I-70 Connection creates a gateway linking East St. Louis, Illinois, with St. Louis, Missouri, and beyond.

Interstate 70 is an important part of ongoing reconstruction of the region’s transportation network. As a critical link in the New Mississippi River Bridge (MRB), the I-70 Connection brings design of a new interstate highway connection through a former heavily industrialized area with remnants of railroad yards and stockyards.

Featuring dual structures with spans up to 280 feet long approaching the MRB in Illinois, the Connection is complete with new interchanges, roadways and pedestrian walks.


Photos © Hedrich Blessing


Bridge Design, Civil, Landscape Architecture

The Urban Highway, Illinois Department of Transportation, Award for Exceptional Consulting Engineering Service, 2016
American Council of Engineering Companies, Honor Award, 2015
American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois (ACEC Illinois), Eminent Conceptor Award, 2015
American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois (ACEC Illinois), Honor Award, 2015
American Council of Engineering Companies of Missouri (ACEC/MO), Honor Award, Engineering Excellence Award, 2015
American Council of Engineering Companies of Missouri (ACEC/MO), Grand Conceptor Award, 2015
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